Saturday, January 25, 2020

Comparing Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther K

Comparing Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Any one can say that a law is unfair and unjust. However, who is really willing to accept the consequences for going against an unjust law? Is breaking this law really worth the punishment? The government is the one to decide whether a law is reasonable, but what if a member of the public believes that a law is not? Should he rebel against this law? Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr. answered yes to this question and believed that one should speak out against an injustice. They both believed that government had many flaws. Even though they shared many beliefs in many of the same subjects concerning Civil Disobedience, they had many different views on how the government should work and how the citizen should be treated by society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Thoreau believed that one should act out against an unjust law by means of peaceful protest. If one is going to openly express his ideas of disagreeing with an unjust law, he must be willing to accept the consequences. Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Thoreau demonstrated this acceptance of consequences by going to jail without repercussion. This shows that they truly believed in the eradication of such a law that forces them to do something that they do not want to do. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted was arrested for gathering with others to protest peacefully, which the police claimed was unlawful, because they we...

Friday, January 17, 2020

Hitting the Wall: Nike and International Labor Practices

It is ironic to see how an organization like Nike would response to its negative labor practices in quite an immature way, especially when it carries a big brand image in the industry and has a lot on stake to lose; with respect to its loyal clientele and future growth opportunities. In my opinion, Nike’s approach was almost prohibitive, specifically for the initial few years. I agree, later on in May, 1998 Knight announced a series of sweeping reforms however; what is shocking to me, it took Nike roughly 18 years to realize that some serious steps are needed to address the allegations and their future steps must go beyond and over than what they had committed themselves to. Nike was pressed by the circumstances to think this way as their bottom line had truly started to suffer. Evidently, since 1980’s the corporation had been plagued by a series of labor incidents and public relations nightmares but what has astounded me is â€Å"despite the criticism; they insisted that labor conditions in its contractors’ factories were not — could not — be Nike’s concern or its responsibility†. Initially, Nike was moving quite fast from one country to another just to accomplish their low cost manufacturing agendas. It is quite relevant, applicable and fair for any organization to outsource where they can save cost but it should not be on someone else expense where the organization is violating human rights and/or the labor is not even making enough to meet their bare minimum necessities. All these bad business practices of Nike got them in mainstream where they were not able to come up with innovative ideas to be in command of this bad publicity. As the matter was heating up Nike did try to address many issues which are surely commendable but the major issue of workers minimum wage was never resolved up until 1998. This is exactly where Nike was getting benefited from (low-wages). In response to the entire kiosk, Nike did draft a series of regulations for its contractors; they also tried to be cooperative with government made organizations, hired an outside firm Ernst and Young in 1996 to audit its suppliers manufacturing facilities, created another labor practices department to keep checks and balances, hired a civil rights leader to do an independent evaluation of their code of conduct and so on so forth. Doing this gave birth to another problem: All these were on Nikes pay roll which dilutes the purpose in itself. In the end Nike’s initiatives were becoming self contradicting. Where Nike has done an awesome job is, when Knight almost surrender Nike and accepted indirectly that their company has been a part of slave wages, forced overtime and arbitrary abuse and also showed his true commitment to abolish all these from Nike’s business. It was not just words at this point but some fundamental changes have been made in their existing policies and also many further effective steps were taken which were relatively appreciable. Nike’s becoming a part of FLA (Fair Labor Association) was the right step in right direction but of course at very later stages. No doubts, Nike could have done many things differently. First, they should not have made a rough statement at early stages that Nike has nothing to do with what goes in their vendor’s facilities. Second, they could have hired a complete NGO to check and evaluate their labor practices overseas. Third, they should have taken the full responsibility right from the beginning for their wrong doing acts instead of defending their image and keep executing their same old policies. Basically, what Nike has done in the end by almost confessing its all wrong doings, is what it must have done way earlier in the game. Doing this should have given a positive spin to the entire situation and must have helped Nike to save its image while making its remarkable name in the industry for using good business practices.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Profits Of The Mcb Bank Pakistan Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1146 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? MCB is amongst the oldest banks of Pakistan. It was amid those isolated banks to be nationalized in 1974 later it was assimilated in 1947. Nationalization had an extreme effect on its presentation and performance as it exaggerated the superiority of loan collection and services. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Profits Of The Mcb Bank Pakistan Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Ultimately, it was denationalized in 1991 and is presently maintained by the Mansha group. Post privatization, MCBs importance has been on violent cost reduction. MCB has a set-up of over 1000 branches crossways in Pakistan, of which, round 750 branches are automated. The bank offers countless services to its consumers counting personal, virtual and Islamic banking and also corporate banking as well and other services which they have. In this speedy expanding banking sector, MCB has been executing well to compete with its competitors. MCB takes the Best Bank of Pakistan award in 2001 to 2006 for the 5th time. Banking sector overview: The banking organization, as an entire, remains healthy despite the economy profitable through a period of having trouble. The banking area immersed the build-up of nonperforming loans in the organism while sustaining profitability and strong balance sheets. Greatly of the credit for this necessity go to the Central Bank for the policies it has followed over the last decade to confirm that banks are sufficiently capitalized and observe to prudent risk management. Recent performance Profitability Banks Profit after tax grew by 1.6% ADRto 181.025 million U.S. dollars as compared to the last year. The bank will sustain its profitability in coming time according to analysis. 16% increase in net interest income to 331.883 million U.S. dollars as compared to FY07 of 285.042 million U.S. dollars. Interest incomes this year is however 29% higher than previous years but on the other hand 37% increase in interest expense is also recorded owed to increase the rate minimum of 5% arrival on deposits to the bank. Income is other than interest income decrease by 1.1% although industry benchmark is growing 21%. This year major decrease in evident in dividend income, gai on the sale of securities and income from foreign currencys this is because of instability in stock market in previous months. Wages this year was higher due t o growing inflation in country. Return on assets ratio (ROA) is 3% as compared to industry benchmark of 2.10% this show that bank is more profitable than other competitors. Return of Equity is 22% as compared to 17.4% of an industry average. This is the positive sign for shareholders that ROA and ROE are higher than industry average. Return on Deposits (ROD) is 4% whereas industry average is 6.2% hence the bank is trying to achieve this by different products and services. Investment is 73.6% upward at the year of 2009 to 1.947 billion U.S. dollars as compared FY 08. ÂÂ  The Advances and lending on downward is by 3.5% and 26% respectively MANAGERIAL EFFICIENCY MEASURES: LIQUIDITY in line Deposits of the bank increased by 11.3% to reach 4.283 billion U.S. dollars in FY09 as compared to industry benchmark of 10%. almost 100% increase in borrowings from other institution to 5.204 billion U.S. dollars as compared to FY08 last year bank introduces some unique long term deposits scheme to the liquidity related risk by analysis we have seen that earning assets yield has shown rising trend. ÂÂ  However central bank has implemented policy that every bank must pay minimum deposit of 5% added to more to cost of asset but bank returning in higher profits it is a very good signal for shareholder that the bank is utilizing its resources efficiently. by analysis we have seen that earning assets yield has shown rising trend. ÂÂ  However central bank has implemented policy that every bank must pay minimum deposit of 5% added to more to cost of asset but bank returning in higher profits it is a very good signal for shareholder that the bank is utilizing its resources efficiently. The ADR of the bank raised at 74% related to industry benchmark of 71.5%. Over many years we see changes in the proportion of advances. Long-term loans are more of the total share by banks to mobilize long term funds to contest the maturities date of different funds. Earning assets ratio is about 82.5% showing an increase of 1.2% of the last year and the advance to deposit ratio is decreased due to growth in bank deposits and decline in short term and long term loans thus ultimately increasing the liquidity of the bank. MCB management is making more revenues from the usage of its asset in previous year and its asset quality analysis will improve in coming years as compared to past years. GEARING: the MCB bank is showing improvements in recent market by recent years and solvency position is stronger than previous. The bank is also increasing its value and equity mainly the solvency condition for the industry as an entire has expose d which is marked development in current years initiated by increasing profitability and additional inflows of capital. MCB Bank has made efforts to reduce its debt dependency as finance source. The assets base and equity has been increasing as compared to debt. However, 87% of the assets are debt financed through debt, in addition, debt to equity ratio suggests a recovery upside and ultimately increases credit rating up to AA+ short term and A1+ as in long term. SHARE HOLDER INTREST: the cash dividend per share was 0.128 U.S. dollars compared to 0.133 U.S. dollar of last year. The Dividend Income (DPS as a ratio of price) reduced to an advanced increasing in market value of the scrip. The dividend attention ratio was virtually the similar as the last year, the EPS and DPS this year were new or less equivalents. The P/E ratio of the company improved 73% to 9.8 as equated to 5.66 of FY08. This was because of the highest share price of the scrip throughout the year of 2.55 9 U.S. dollars equated to 1.465 U.S. dollars of last year. For similar reason is applied to the higher Market-Book worth ratio, which increased to 2.49 and compared to 1.66 in FY08. Future viewpoint MCB is succeeding a multi-pronged idea, where important features are as follows: It purposes to be the best leader in transactional convenience. To get top of the market share, the bank surely continue to invest substitutes channel imbursement capabilities and services as well as receiving a superior share of transaction ambitious businesses like remittances, cash, management and ÂÂ  payroll and trade. Continuance of investment in branches is to make variety of them additional sales and service-oriented. Concluded introduction of new sales and service models, supported transaction processing and important in leading financial products menu, the bank seeks to accomplish this ambition. In addition to the central focus on figure, midmarket and corporate sections, the ban k will endure down the pathway of further section ting our customer wants and emerging focused customer schemes, principally in privilege, Islamic and SME. Lastly, controls and efficacy is dominant to the banks presence and existence. It will shape stronger controls, develop unit costs culture and usually be on topmost of the game.